Saturday, January 23, 2010

Educating Our Children

Every Florida student should have access to a first class, world class education. We must make certain that our children have the skills they need to compete in the global marketplace of the 21st century. No more excuses!

Improving Our Public Schools

Darrin McGillis has put forth a comprehensive plan to help improve the quality of our public schools.

Darrin's First Class Schools, First Class Teachers, First Class Education program focuses on spending our educational resources more efficiently, providing more educational options for students and parents and demanding more accountability from everyone involved in the education of our children.

By improving the quality of our public schools, we can provide our children with the skills they need to compete for quality jobs in the global marketplace of the 21st century and develop the highly skilled workforce that we need to recruit new businesses and jobs to Florida.

First Class Schools, First Class Teachers, First Class Education program

Spending Our Educational Resources More Efficiently

Fully funding the Standards of Quality for our public schools

Reduction in the education bureaucracy and removal of waste and corruption in the educational system

Requiring that at least 75% of our educational dollars be spent in the classroom

Recruit and Reward The Best Teachers

Increase teacher pay to above the national average

Provide incentive pay for teachers teaching in high demand specialties and in high risk school districts

Merit pay to reward our best teachers and make certain that teacher compensation is tied to performance

Eliminate teacher tenure

More Educational Options for Students and Parents

More meaningful alternatives for students who want to pursue a vocational/technical education

More Charter Schools in core disciplines like Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Tax credits for parents who choose to send their children to private schools

Tax credits for businesses that provide scholarships to low-income students to enable them to attend private schools if they choose to do so

More Accountability

Higher academic expectations under the Standards of Learning

No pass, no play requirements for students

No drivers license for students who drop out of school before the age of 18 or fail to achieve satisfactory academic performance

Help Darrin and contribute now using a major credit card. Please donate what you can. Click here - Thank You!

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Darrin E. McGillis, Democrat for Governor of the State of Florida, P.O. Box 56-6091, Miami, Florida 33256-6091

Contributions or gifts to the Campaign of Darrin E. McGillis are not tax deductible.

Contributions are limited to $500 per person or corporate entity.

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